she told us
she spells her name
with an exclamation point
by the way she dances
and flails her tail
any time we call her
she is an
off-the-chart extrovert
(I should know)
who wants to meet
everyone she sees except
the riddle of small children
most mornings
after breakfast and some after-
noons she takes time to sit
in the chair or on the back
patio in the summertime
and pay attention
she is not
bored or pining or asleep
she is attending to the world
a small schnoodle monk
soaking up the sounds and
sights for as long as it takes
an exclamation
point is used to show emphasis
she assumes the posture of
the punctation to soak up
the world not shout at it
then she goes back to dancing
I love this poem and I would love to meet Lizzie!