advent journal: alleluia



advent this year feels
more like a season of
endurance than expectation

as though ‘we made it’
might be a legitimate
translation of alleluia

in these days of distance
the road to the manger
seems in desperate need of

repair who could believe
that Christ could be born
on a night like this

the hopes and fears of all
the years are met once
more by God in proximity

neither violence nor virus
distance disease or despair
can stop the birth of Love

the child will be born
and life will go on
one day after another

we do well to gather
each night and pray
we made it alleluia



  1. Went to a megachurch Christmas extravaganza today (family obligation; I’ve seen this type show there before & it… just doesn’t move me). Now we’re home & missing those we’ve lost or who’re visiting elsewhere. Feels like we’ve been just trying to cross a finish line in ways, yep.

    Not a Christmas song specifically. But it breaks me all the way open every time, the buildup, the music in that last section… I’ll take that feeling where I can find it, gladly:

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