lenten journal: paint me a picture


These two quotes crossed my path today.

A person is a kind of sacrament: something made of molecules by which we become aware of something else which is not made of molecules.
Sydney Carter

Christianity is art and not money. — William Blake

Here is where they took me.

paint me a picture

bread and wine
paint and brushes
turn of a phrase
song of the heart
dancing eyes
sunlight smile
trail of tears
statue of limitations
body of work
work of art
harbinger of hope
act of faith



  1. Hi, Milton – A friend from church, O.R. Schmidt, put me onto your book awhile back and then your blogs. I have enjoyed all very much and am especially enjoying your Lenten pieces. I meant to respond a couple of days ago to the one on songs. I was wondering if you have heard any by Peter Mayer. I especially like his “Holy Now” and think you would also. Check it out. Looking forward to those pie recipes!

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