a ticket to you


A couple of weeks ago, I got an email telling me I could sign up for a lottery tog et a link to buy tickets to one of the concerts on Bruce Springsteen’s upcoming tour. The date closest to me is in March 2023 at a relatively small arena, compared to some of the places I have seen him play.

I love the Boss. I am ready to see him again. His live shows with the E Street Band are something to behold. So, I signed up and got a text a couple of nights ago telling me I could log in with a special code this morning at ten to buy tickets, which I did, only to find that the cheapest seat in the house was $450 before Ticketmaster added their fees. Floor seats were $1250.

I guess “tramps like us” means people with a lot of disposable income.

In December of 2021, Bruce sold his song catalog to Sony for $550 million. Who knows how much he has made on records and his other tours. I know it’s not cheap to tour. Next week, Ginger and I are going to see Lyle Lovett and are going to sit on the second row for $150 each, and Lyle is not going hungry.

Needless to say, I have seen my last Springsteen concert. To deal with my frustration and sadness, I wrote new lyrics to “A Letter for You,” a song off of his last record. I don’t imagine he will ever see it, but who knows.

A Ticket to You

‘Neath a crown of hopeful fans
I joined that bothersome queue
Sat down in my chair
Clicked the link so I’d get through
To hear the songs that my heart finds true
And get myself a ticket to you

Songs I’ve loved through hard times and good
You wrote ’em all out in ink and blood
They speak to my soul because they ring so true
And hoped to get a ticket to you

Just a ticket to you
And take all my fears and doubts
Yes, a ticket to you
But the hard thing I found out
Is a ticket to you
Is too much for me to do
I can’t afford a ticket to you

Five hundred bucks to just get in the door
A thousand more to get down on the floor
Your cashing in
and your fans are getting screwed
If they want a ticket to you
If they want a ticket to you

For a ticket to you
I shouldn’t have to get a loan
And that ticket to you
Means my trust in you is blown
With a ticket to you
I wouldn’t see the guy I knew
I’m not gonna get a ticket to you
I’m not gonna get a ticket to you

You’re breaking my heart, Boss.




  1. That is disappointing and sad business. Last time I saw him in Greensboro I’m sure it was under $100. Now that was a few years back, but those prices are ridiculous. I saw Bonnie Raitt recently for just under $200.

  2. Thank you for this Milton. There is a limit and they (rock stars) have crossed it. That said, I did pay $400 to see Paul McCartney in 2017 and I don’t regret it. But, it did not pass me by that I gave up things to do this and that I am one of the privileged ones to be able to do so. I made my choice, because I could. AND, so do they.

  3. Saw Bruce in Dec 1984, IIRC those were $18 just above stage left seats. The current economics of big star tours is just plain horrendous. We thought prices were bad 10 years ago…

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