lenten journal: seven summers at the beach


    We’ve just spent the last nine hours traveling miles and miles of interstate and classic rock and got back to Durham to find a small package on our doorstep I have been waiting for. Back in September I began putting together a book of poetry and recipes from this blog as a way to say goodbye to New England. The book is called Seven Summers at the Beach, which is how long we lived in Marshfield. I took advantage of a very kind offer from Jeff to do the design work and layout. (Big props to Jeff.) The book is now done, thanks to Lulu.com, and available at my “storefront” there. Though there is still much for me to learn on the marketing and publicizing end, I’m anxious to let you know the book is there. Lulu is a self-publishing site that prints the books as they are ordered. I got mine in about a week. It costs $15 for the print book and $8 for the e-book download. (I realize this isn’t necessarily the stuff Lenten meditations are made of, but this has been a long time coming).

    If you’re interested, you can click the Lulu button to the left of this post, click on the book title above, or go to my storefront and follow the instructions.



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