advent journal: a (short) tale of two cities


I spent a huge chunk of the day working on my book. The time was one of my birthday gifts from Ginger. As I sat writing about home, I realized once again how much I have come to love Durham and the people who make it a wonderful city. Over the past few months as I have written about moving most all of my life and struggling to learn how to grow roots or feel as though I belong somewhere. In the process of writing the book, I have learned that home means different things at different times. I think more than one place in life can be home because it’s not a one time thing.

Seven years on here in Durham, after spending the day wandering around town on my fifty-eighth birthday, and still basking in the glow of a wonderful surprise Thursday Night Dinner last night, I feel at home here. I hold two cities close to my heart: Boston and Durham. I am fortunate to feel I belong to both of them.

And I had a great birthday. I feel celebrated, loved, and encouraged.



  1. Happy Birthday, Milton, and many blessings! Although we have never met, I have come to know you through your writing and feel grateful to God for your wonderful life. You have touched many people and given us hope. Thank you for that gift!

  2. Remember too that wherever your friends are you can consider a little bit of home as well. And you are a person who has friends every you go. Glad yor BD was so special.

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