a good word


    Affirmation is life-giving.

    When I was teaching high school, I started putting stickers on vocabulary quizzes (and then on other papers and tests) for good grades. The kids went nuts over them. I was teaching junior Honors Brit Lit and they were clamoring for Sponge Bob stickers. I know how they feel. I started back to Weight Watchers a couple of weeks ago. They give you a star for every five pounds you lose. A small, very disposable, gold star. I got my second one on Tuesday. I think I’m as excited about the little sticker as I am about losing the weight.

    A good word goes a long way.

    Maggi Dawn affirmed me this week by giving me a Thinking Blogger award. I greatly appreciate it. (I would also like to say thank you to two other folks who did the same while I was writing my Lenten Journal. I intended to follow through after Easter and lost track of your comments.) The award is a meme that began with this post.

    One of the things I like about the meme — besides getting an award (my first) — is it’s designed to foster greater affirmation. Maggi mentioned me as one of five blogs that make her think; my task is to do the same. Here are some folks who feed me:

    tgraypots web log is a wonderful mixture of pottery, faith, and a fair amount of pizza, as well as other cool food. Reading Tom’s work has led me to some great stuff on learning to eat locally and ethically. The passion and tenderness with which he writes is contagious.

    Spilt Milk is a blog I discovered recently. Tee’s writing is thoughtful and challenging. She writes about some of the political issues in our world with a personal touch — particularly when it comes to Christian – Muslim – Jewish relations. Her writings and links took me to both Hometown Baghdad and Raising Yousuf, Unplugged.

    Look What Love Has Done
    is a blog with which I’ve had a connection almost since I started blogging. She was one of the first people to begin to comment with some regularity. Beth writes beautifully and poignantly about what she is learning about faith and family in these days. Her latest post is about affirming her son. She’s a good mom.

    Closeted Pastor is a new find for me. Cecilia writes about pastoring and working through not yet being able to come out to her congregation. I’m hopeful that she will find affirmation and encouragement here among the blogs to help her move toward feeling more integrated. I’m thankful I get to be a part of the journey.

    Simply Simon is writing about “life, food, faith, and the city” — the city being Melbourne, Australia. Simon is a professor, writer, cook, and all around interesting guy. There’s lots of stuff going on at his place. He’s one who helps me to keep paying attention.

    There are others that move me (as it is, I managed to sneak in a couple). Today, these are folks I want to affirm as blogs that make me think. I’m grateful for the connections.



    1. Thanks for the props, Milton. When do you I get my SpongeBob sticker?

      I appreciate the direction towards the other blogs as well…my world continues to expand, which is a good thing!

    2. Oops – not when do YOU I get…uh…you were an English teacher, right? I guess I’m getting my paper back with red correction marks…but hopefully with a sticker, too…

      Congrats on the Weight Watchers deal as well. Stay healthy!

    3. Me too, me too! I want a Sponge Bob sticker too!

      Thanks Milton. Your selecting me is now going to require me to really think! The bad thing is I can’t nominate you back 🙁 ’cause you really make me think.


    4. Milton,

      Congratulations on the Thinking Blogger award! Like everybody else, I’m sure, your posts have caused me to reflect on both my approach to the classroom and my spirituality. Thanks! Congrats again!

    5. Milton, I just wanted to say thank you. I’m grateful for your kind words and also that you found my blog because now I can enjoy reading yours as well 🙂


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