lenten journal: to mourn is to mark . . .


to mourn is to mark . . .

the moment when the world
was ripped open, torn asunder
and then not to hurry on

the palpable absence of those
taken—not lost, but stolen—
and then wrap our arms around it

the seduction of fear that
disguises itself as revenge or
even righteous indignation

that violence and volume are
not signs of strength or power
but the vocabulary of cowards

the hope that lies in uncertainty
in the courage of compassion
we are the walking wounded

our hearts with our grief
a tattoo of tenacity that trusts
that love is inexhaustible



  1. Images of those poor families without their loved ones by their sides….”not lost, but stolen”
    Yes, they need arms wrapped around them. But nothing can help right now. Especially not “Thoughts and prayers.”

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