lenten journal: palm reader


palm reader

I’ve been staring at my palm:
the little litany of lines that runs
from wrist to thumb, the deep-rutted
roads like poorly-planned highways
across a desert of aging skin—

dry riverbeds: canyons carved by
age and action, crossed and connected
by the lesser lines, faded reminders
of days when dreams roamed
these valleys like dinosaurs.

You’re right: I’ve been staring too long
to do much more than get lost in metaphors.
I don’t have the whole world, but there is
a handful of stories in these lines;
best to keep them open wide.



  1. Not sure why, but that makes me think of:

    “In the sun tryin’ to find somebody else
    I walked all night long; I declare I walked all night long
    Tryin’ to find somebody else
    Who gon’ go down the big road with me
    Come on, if you wanna go…
    Coz I ain’t goin’ down the big road by myself…” — John Lee Hooker

  2. Beautiful. I find myself staring at my own palm reminded of dreams passed since our Baylor days and unexpected paths that brought me to where I sit this morning. Sending love and gratitude for you, my friend.

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