lenten journal: biscuit king


“No one cries over artificial flowers.”–Peter Coyote

biscuit king

by the time we moved to durham
the biscuit king had ended his reign

sunny side up was our breakfast joint
in guilford till they closed down

in charlestown collier’s market made
the best cheeseburger sub evah

I can chronicle my life in closed
down restaurants it seems

gonza tacos y tequila, lori ann donuts
greenville avenue country club

the hop in fort worth, good eats too
american meltdown food truck

I could keep listing them but it’s
no fun without telling the stories

the best thing about cooking
other than who you eat with

is that you know you’re making
temporary stuff on purpose

part of what makes it taste good
is that you run out of food

loss has a lingering flavor
memory is a shared hunger

so tonight I will savor the
biscuit I never got to have



  1. Some of the food goes with us- for me, the parmesan/onion cheesy breads from the lamented Northwood Inn in Toledo. Betty Timko’s salad (with piles of spinach, bean sprouts, diced eggs, water chestnuts and at least a pound of crumbled bacon) from Soup’N’Such, a Toledo tradition. Syd & Diane’s sausage and zucchini “confetti soup”…. those long lost places are resurrected every time we share these things with friends new and old. But we, too, have a long list of “man-I-wish-we-could-go-back-THERE” places too. Like the people who ran them, they embody the line: “Absent from our sight / Ever present in memory most bright.”

    I’d love to hear even a quarter of the stories of the places you mentioned.

  2. “making temporary stuff on purpose”

    “loss is a lingering flavor
    memory is a shared hunger”

    you are an effin’ genius —
    in the kitchen & on the page
