the word rings in my ears
like a rite or a ritual
though I am not sure
exactly what role I play
it means “a carrying away”
in its oldest form though
medically it’s “a removal
of something harmful”
they will carry away
broken bits of my heart
to restore its rhythm
that sounds sacred
and I listen for sacred
holy means healthy
I’m an arhythmic pilgrim
hoping for healing
my doctor practices
this ritual most everyday
he repeats his rhthyms
of remove and restore
my role is to offer my
heart and trust him to
know what to remove
and what to let remain
none of this feels normal
I’m in over my heart
my badly beating heart
come all is now ready
Milton. I call your name before the Throne of Grace. And your doctor’s.
Our music group is jamming tonight near Northgate Park (Civitan Club). We will play some rhythmic songs to send along to your heart.
Prayers rising from Milwaukee.
I’m in over my heart – what a line. Thinking of you and Ginger, Milton. What great hearts you have.