lenten journal: more songs in the key of lent


As I was walking into work this morning, I found myself singing this song:

many’s the time I’ve been mistaken
and many times confused
yes, and I’ve often felt forsaken
and certainly misused
oh, but I’m all right, I’m all right
I’m just weary to my bones
still, you don’t expect to be
bright and bon vivant
so far away from home,
so far away from home

I guess it got me thinking about some other songs that are soundtrack for these days. So, tonight I’ll start off with how I started my day. Here’s Paul Simon.

Dougie Maclean is a Scottish songwriter who has an amazing collection of songs. Here’s one for this part of the journey: “Ready for the Storm” (Kathy Mattea is singing) —

Give me mercy for my dreams
for every confrontation seems
to tell me what it really means
to be this lonely sailor
but when the sky begins to clear
and the sun it melts away my fear
I’ll cry a silent weary tear
for those that need to love me

“Hard Times Come Again No More” has been a favorite song of mine for many years. As Spring appears to be approaching, it’s not a bad time to sing it again. This time, James Taylor will lead us.

As I left work this evening, this next song appeared out of nowhere. After my last music post, someone wrote and reminded me of Peter Mayer and his music; perhaps it just took a few days for this song to bubble up.

God is a river, not just a stone
God is a wild, raging rapids
And a slow, meandering flow
God is a deep and narrow passage
And a peaceful, sandy shoal
God is the river, swimmer
So let go

Even in Lent, we should go out with a little joy. Here is Sarah Jarosz’ excellent cover of Tom Waits’ “Come on Up to the House” —

There’s no light in the tunnel
No irons in the fire
Come on up to the house
And your singin lead soprano
In a junkman’s choir
You gotta come on up to the house

Can you hear the music through the circumstance?



  1. Strangest musical thing to happen in a while popped up today. Was doing stuff at computer when what should pop into my brain and ask to be sung, mentally at least, but “Climb, Climb Up Sunshine Mountain”, a children’s song/chorus of yester year. Do you even know/remember it?

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