lenten journal: hope



the night is almost over
and I am searching the shadows
for words to describe the dawn
that doesn’t just break, but breaks through
if stones can be moved, so can
hearts; if death can be defeated,
so can bitterness and hate;
if love is real, then hope is more
than things turning out alright.
trace it back to its roots and
hope means trust and confidence—
we’re the ones who’ve watered it
down to wishes; now we need
it full strength: rise up, o men
and women of God—be done
with lesser things. the night is far
gone, the day at hand—go
and tell the others he is
risen. he is risen indeed.



  1. Wow! I love it! “… watered it down to wishes, now we need it full strength.” is my favorite line, but it is all teriffic! Thank you for writing and sharing it.

    I’ll not be surprised to see it printed as the epigraph on the cover of next Easter’s Order of Worship at my church.

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