lenten journal: reflection


I am going to lean into an old poem tonight because I have spent most of the evening cooking and eating with a small group from church. We filled ourselves up with pimento cheese-stuffed pork loin and black-eyed pea risotto, as well as with laughter, good questions, and good stories. This poem feels like a good way to wrap up the night.


there are days I lay awake
at night and wonder even
worry about what’s to come
because the future feels

like a past due account and
I have already spent my time
thinking about tomorrow
putting the tense in present

there are nights like this
when I fall asleep holding
on to the day like the last
bite of the meal we shared

where we passed our plates
like forgiveness and let
ourselves love and laugh
like the present were a gift

and we press our fingers
to get every last crumb
and thank God we were
made to be hungry



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