advent journal: found in translation


I’ve had a full day.

It’s Wednesday, so it’s my day to go to New York. The trip was made a bit more adventurous by early morning snow fall in Connecticut, but there was none in the city. I left a little early to get back to meet Ginger, Rachel, and Jake and Gerhard to drive up to Chester, Connecticut to see A Connecticut Christmas Carol at the Terris Theater, which is affiliated with the Goodspeed Opera House, which is known for its musical performances.

The story is the one we all know about Scrooge, but they gave it a Connecticut twist. J. P. Morgan was Scrooge’s old partner who came back to warn him (and William Gillette played Scrooge), Benedict Arnold was the Ghost of Christmas Past, P. T. Barnum was the Ghost of Christmas Present, and Mark Twain wrapped it all up as the Ghost of Christmas Future.

The script was well-written, the songs were good, and the performances were excellent. Here is Bob Cratchit singing a song called “Carry On” with his kids, just to give you a taste.

As I said, we all knew where the story was going. Tiny Tim even said, “God bless us, every one.” But there was one addition in particular that caught my ear. A word I couldn’t quite get was mentioned first by Barnum and then later by one of his heirs. It sounded like Wakeshau, which is a Native American word or the name of a town in Wisconsin or an insurance company, but the story in the play was that it was a Norwegian word that meant “everything is for each other.”

I don’t know if there really is such word in Norwegian, or any other language for that matter. I do know that the translation, if you will, made my day. I knew it was going to be late before I got to write tonight. But sitting in the dark watching Scrooge find his heart, I thought, “It doesn’t need to be a long post. All I really need to say is everything is for each other.”

So I will. Everything is for each other.


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