two new things


    Today holds two new things.

    The Chef I work for is quite the entrepreneur. She not only owns the restaurant, but also a long established and well known catering company, and contracts with Duke to run a small restaurant on campus that serves faculty at lunch and students in the evening. The student venture is new this year and still finding its way. Thursday she asked me to take it over to see what we could do. What that means is I become a salaried employee (hooray!), I won’t be at the other restaurant any more (the hard part) and I have a shot at doing a really cool thing. The place is small and, for now, only feeding about forty or fifty people a night. I will start with a dishwasher/prep cook and me. I’m excited. I think this is going to be good.

    Now for the second thing. When we moved from Massachusetts, we took our two Schnauzers, Lola and Gracie, to Ginger’s parents to stay until we found a permanent home here. (The Schnauzers are not so good at transition.) They arrived there just before Thanksgiving. As I have written before, my father-in-law has Alzheimer’s and has been declining steadily, particularly over the past six or seven months. Since the pups arrived, he has been so much better. Instead of sleeping most of the day, he is up early and awake petting and playing with them. It has become increasingly clear to Ginger and me that we can’t take them away from him. We’ve had a hard time coming to terms with that, and we are full of gratitude for the gift the little dogs have given the whole family.

    Yesterday afternoon when I got home from work, Ginger was standing in the front yard to greet me with this little one.

    We have yet to name her, but we are quickly falling in love. I’ve been fighting off a bit of a bug, so I came home from work to sleep. The pup curled up on my chest as I lay on the couch and helped me feel better.

    New year. New things. Many stories yet to unfold.



    1. I know that you will be terrific with the new job. Glad to hear that Reuben is a bit better. And the new puppy is just as cute as can be. Much love and happiness to the three of you.

    2. Oh, hooray! Good things! Grace!

      Love the pic of the dog, and am overwhelmed with joy on your behalf for this new food venture.

      And what a blessing, to realize that two that you love are now giving such great love to another that you love…round and round and round it goes…

    3. Life can be good, can’t it?
      Now that you’re on the Duke campus, let me be the first of MANY who will ask – do you think you could get me a couple of tickets for a basketball game?

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