

    That was the nickname I had for the song “Thankful Boys and Girls” when my friend Billy and I wrote it many (dare I say many, many?) years ago. Ginger asked me to sing the song as a part of worship today and several folks stopped me at coffee hour and asked me to post the lyric. So, here it is.

    let us be thankful boys and girls
    for eyes and ears and toes
    and puppies with wet noses

    let us be thankful boys and girls
    for lessons we have learned
    and love we have not earned

    we follow the beat of amazing grace
    oh let us be thankful boys and girls

    let us be thankful boys and girls
    for kisses on the mouth
    and teenage heartbeats pounding

    let us be thankful boys and girls
    for lightning in the sky
    and laughter in the eye

    we follow the beat of amazing grace
    oh let us be thankful boys and girls

    for all that brought us here
    and all that will see us through

    the passages of life that lead to you
    lead us to you

    let us be thankful boys and girls
    for a little common sense
    and painted picket fences

    let us be thankful boys and girls
    when packing up the plans
    in rented moving vans

    we follow the beat of amazing grace
    oh let us be thankful boys and girls

    let us be thankful boys and girls
    for mendelson and brahms
    and shadows growing longer

    let us be thankful boys and girls
    for years that slowly grow
    and grandkids we can hold

    for memories to keep
    and sorrows running deep

    oh let us be thankful boys and girls

    for all that brought us here
    and all that will see us through

    the passages of life that lead to you
    lead us to you

    let us be thankful boys and girls
    when hope is not enough
    that death can’t bury love

    let us be thankful boys and girls
    for wine and bread and hymns
    remembering again

    we follow the beat of amazing grace
    oh let us be thankful boys and girls

    The song is on Billy’s Red Bird, Blue Sky CD.



    1. That has always been one of my favorite BC/MBC songs because of its simplicity, its hope, and its ability to nudge me to remember with gratitude…

      …and you are right…the Steve Earle record is killer…thanks for the nudge on that as well…


    2. Me too. Always one of my very favorites. What a blessing.

      Isn’t it neat that your work and your words live on like this, on the wave of melody, out of a memorable partnership, into the hearts of scattered people? That is quite cool…

      I am thankful.

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