sunday sonnet #17


    The text today was Matthew 5:38-48; we also reread the beatitude, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God. “Peacemaking is rarely peaceful,” Ginger said, “logic, faith, and reason have to be invited into our hearts.”

    To live each day in faithfulness as I walk upon this sod
    Means I must open up my eyes to see
    There is one true Creator, one loving, holy God —
    and understand that said God isn’t me.

    God who hung the heavens and smiled sunsets into being
    loves every last one of us – every last one.
    And we are called to drop all the distinctions we keep seeing,
    quit keeping score and get some loving done.

    We all have wounds and scars and sores and our fair share of sin,
    we all have those whom we hold in disdain;
    so logic, faith, and reason have to be invited in
    that we might love beyond our hurt and pain.

    To walk on this earth gently
    Means to take each step intently



    1. Wotta sonnet, Milton! :0D Now I’m sprinting down a wild rabbit trail, wondering if John’s Milton’s friends ever had occasion to say that to him . . . Well, I started out to say I was blessed twice by your appreciative recounting of Ginger’s sermon. Your name is still called with fondness in my current workplace, and when it is I invariably refer folks to your web address, this pleasant caravanserai on the internet wilderness. Thanks for putting yourself out here.

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