splendid savings


    When I leave church on Sunday, The Splendid Table is playing on our local NPR station. The show is sometimes a little too don’t-we-all-love-our-villas-in-Tuscany for me to take, but most of the time they offer interesting conversations and recipes. It’s great for a Sunday afternoon.

    Today the host, Lynne Rossetto Kasper, gave a brief excursus on “how to eat like a gourmet for less money” that I found interesting. It seemed worth passing along.

    • Look for the sell by date and if it’s today barter; ask for 50 % off – they have to sell it. Then either use it that day or freeze it.
    • If you don’t cook, learn to do three simple easy things: make a simple salad with a homemade dressing; learn to boil up some grains; or learn to grill vegetables. If you can do those three things you can put together a meal that is low on the food chain, super cheap, and super healthy.
    • Every steak or chop starts out as a roast; buy the roast and cut your own steaks or chops and you can save some money.
    • If you want ethnic ingredients, go to the neighborhoods where these cultures shop. You’ll save money and get a good lunch out of the deal.
    • Buy imported food and wines where the dollar still has some strength and real estate is still inexpensive like Chile or Argentina.

    I know we don’t all want to eat like gourmets and I like the idea of thinking creatively about how good food and affordable food don’t have to be mutually exclusive. Again, not terribly profound, but worth passing along.

    GIve me a couple of days and I’ll t ry to come up with some accompanying recipes.



    1. I love this, “Splendid Savings”.

      This would be a really welcome and helpful blogzine. Especially these days. Just sayin’.

      (And for non-cooks, if there’s no grill, oven roasted vegetables are very yummy and easy too)

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