

    if I had a nickel for every song
    written about how hard life is
    out on the road singing I’d have
    enough to buy the record and sing
    along with the self-indulgence
    and understand how the beat of life
    (kick-drum-karma?) molds a melody
    out of misery in search of a sing-a-long
    to the click track of daily existence

    or maybe those songs come to mind
    late at night as I stare at a blank
    computer screen looking for words
    to describe how hard it is to write
    when I have stayed away from
    the page long enough to lose
    confidence or any sight of the
    resonance with the readers

    I imagine are on the receiving end
    could it be these words and music
    are less self-indulgent than simile
    (living my life is like real life)
    offered with a hint of interrogative
    verses in search of a chorus
    of folks who recognize the tune
    and know the words but are kind
    enough to let me feel original



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