shameless commerce division


    On October 1, Keeping the Feast: Metaphors for the Meal will be in bookstores.

    I can’t believe it. Life, for me right now, is a flurry of activity. Perhaps the biggest learning curve is understanding the fine art of self-promotion. I am proud of the book and I want to get it to as many people as possible and writing to anyone to say, “Won’t you please spend your time and energy talking about me?” is not an erasy thing to.

    That said, I need your help and energy in these next few days.

    I have one week left in my Kickstarter campaign to raise money to fund a book tour. We have reached our basic goal, which means the project will be funded, and I am hopeful we can raise another three or four thousand dollars to help the tour continue through the spring. Please share the link and the story with as many people as you can.

    The first leg of the tour will fall somewhere between November 6-19 between Durham and Boston. Right now, we have possible events in the DC area, Philadelphia, New York City, and in and around Boston. After the first of the year, I will aim west moving through the South and on to Texas. I would  love to hear any suggestions you might have about bookstores, churches, or events. I will have a press kit available early next week that will be downloadable.

    Between now and the first of October, please go into your local bookstore — particularly the independent ones — and ask if they will be stocking the book. Whether on not you order the book from Amazon, you can go to the book page and write a review. My publisher tells me this is a significant action. If you know someone in your town who reviews books for newspapers, magazines, or websites please let me know and I will send a copy to them.

    Thanks for your patience and support. When I get to your town, let’s have dinner.



    1. I am sorry I haven’t stopped to make a comment on this… I read about your book a while ago and wanted to wish you well! Let me know if you come to the Twin Cities. We would be happy to share a meal at our house.

      I’m writing a book, too…should be out by Christmas THIRTY SOUPS IN THIRTY MINUTES. All with the goal of spending, of course, “more time at the table.” I agree, it’s not as easy of a feat as it at first appears. The technicalities of getting it from my computer to amazon are the most interesting.

      Blessings on your efforts. Many cities don’t have independent bookstores anymore, but I live down the street from G. Keillor’s Common Good Books (St. Paul); I’ll speak with them.

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