

    we mark our seasons with changes
    new menus for lunch and dinner
    it’s the way we say goodbye
    to strawberries and hello
    to the tomatoes, who
    show up only for summer

    the blueberries are coming in
    and both sweet corn and
    sweet onions; this is the
    season of vegetables,
    and – oh, yes – peaches
    but only for a short while

    I can say with some certainty
    I am not a vegetable
    look at my calendar:
    there is no sense of season
    each week looks like the other
    not that much changes

    As I walk in my garden
    and return, my hands
    smelling like basil and sage,
    I wonder how I grow and
    ripen — or if I do
    without some season-ing




    1. Not late. Right on time. 🙂 Hey, does that make you a seasonal poet?

      Loved all the veggie images (and the peach… am partial to peaches!) I’m not sure I can say I’m not a vegetable. 🙂

    2. I liked the line of thought in this poem and it made me very hungry! (Reader beware do not read poems about food on an empty stomach!) This line: “or if I do
      without some season-ing” carries alot of thought, life application, and metaphor for me. Thank you for sharing!


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