open window


    This poem is a response to two prompts: one from Christine with this accompanying image and the other being the final prompt at Poetry Thursday, which was “open window.” They reminded me of jazz artist Chet Baker, whose story I first learned of through David Wilcox’s song, “Chet Baker’s Unsung Swan Song.”

    open window

    The smell of the sea wafts in
    through our open windows,
    curtains billowing like full
    sails of a tall ship riding
    waves of adventure.

    From upstairs, I can see
    the small whitecaps landing
    on the sand with gentle
    introductions; it’s hard not
    to feel free on such a day.

    They found Chet underneath
    his upstairs window early
    one Amsterdam morning.
    Despite all the melodies,
    he thought he needed

    a needle to be free.
    When I hear his horn
    I wonder why he couldn’t
    find wings in the music
    that carries my heart

    out beyond my burdens.
    Perhaps it felt different
    on the other side of the horn.
    Some places breezes can’t blow
    no matter how open the window.



    1. Your line breaks help emphasize the tone of the poem, I can’t picture it without the enjambment. Deftly handled subject with lots of thought provoking lines. Very nice!

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