lenten journal: sunday sonnet #23


    The passage for today was Jesus meeting the woman at the well. My sonnet was particularly affected by the following video. Thanks to my friend Down Under, Simon, for posting it.

    sunday sonnet #23

    a woman of no distinction, she
    came alone to the well at noon;
    engaged her in conversation, he
    came her reputation to impugn –

    at least that’s what she thought when they met,
    then his questions gave her pause to think
    their meeting might be more than a threat
    for he turned and asked her for a drink.

    He knew her past and stayed to hear her —
    the ways that she’d been hurt and been wronged;
    she’d made sure no one could get near her
    now he was saying that she belonged.

    This is how God’s grace is sown:
    to be loved is to be known.


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