lenten journal: sunday sonnet #21


    The lectionary passage today was Matthew’s account of Jesus being tempted in the desert. In Reading Jesus, Mary Gordon talks about Jesus’ experience in the desert demonstrating how he was growing into who he was becoming, which stuck with me.

    sunday sonnet #21

    He had been forty days without food
    when the Tempter showed up for the test;
    this “messiah” was no match for shrewd —
    he could cause him to crumble when pressed.

    It didn’t end with the quest in the queries —
    The temptations were not “three and done.”
    Of integrity, Jesus could not grow weary
    If Messiah was who he would become.

    Jesus growing into his mission –
    that’s the picture here painted in sand;
    his strength calls to our own volition
    to be true in each moment at hand.

    Who we are is so easy to lose –
    Everyday comes the call to re-choose.


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