i wanted to think of that


    My friend Gordon has taught me most of what I know about blogging.

    He’s taught me a bunch of other stuff, too.

    He has a blog called Real Live Preacher, which has some great stuff, not the least of which is a recent posting entitled, “Unmade Children and Never Written Words,” and it’s one of those ideas I hoped I would think of one day, even though it hasn’t really crossed my mind so far.

    Go read it.



    1. I just found your blog through Real Live Preacher. And if Real Live Preacher says I need to check out a blog, I do. Welcome to the blogosphere. One request: is it possible to syndicate the entirety of your post rather than the first few lines. I use a a newsreader (Bloglines) and it sure makes life easier if I can read the whole post there. I am not sure how to do this or if it is possible, just a suggestion.

    2. Milton, I also use bloglines, and I couldn’t find the syndication link at all here. Do you know about RSS syndication? See if there is a way to turn it on in your blogger profile or something.

      Or maybe it is on and I missed it.

    3. Hi, Milton! I knew you years ago when I went to Ken Hugghins’ church in Abilene and we met through him [I was Lisa Sprouse back then]. I got here via RLP’s blog, which is one of my favorite sites. Good to know [and no surprise] you’re out there making a difference in the world.

    4. Milton! Tim Youmans here. Wow! RLP has a post about a cool guy named Milton. I knew it was you! I wonder how many old comadres you will be reuinted with in this way.

      I am living in Oklahoma with the hot professor wife. She is corrupting college students and I am doing my best to corrupt teenagers…still…at the First Baptist Church in that same town. We have a four year old little boy named Noah who humbles me every frickin’ day!

      Writing music. You can listen to some by going to my little corner of the blogosphere. . . AnabaptistMonk.org.

      Karen and I will be in Vermont this June to officate a wedding, flying into Boston, maybe we can connect for an evening with you and GBC.

      More another time. Looking forward to checking in with you. Bless.

    5. Uncle Milty!!!! I am so happy to find you here! I’ll be reading along.
      -Sarah McManus …now Bickle, who was 13 or so and had loads and loads of very red hair the last time we met in Texas.

    6. So glad you have begun the blog!
      Blesings on the road, good eating, looking forward to seeing you again soon.
      At a UCC gathering w/ JT – he is an amazing soul.
      Need to hear more about the church.
      Peace, NEA

    7. I also found your blog via RLP. I, too love cooking and especially cooking for others. I’m reading Steve Case’s new book “God is Here” which is about Brother Lawrence (a 17th century monk). This is a prayer he wrote…

      Lord of all pots and pans and thing…
      Make me a saint by getting meals
      And washing up the plates.

      Bemidji, MN

    8. Milton,
      I, too, am a regular reader of RLP, so when I saw that he knew a cool guy named Milton —it had to be you. I’ll add your blog to my favorites list. So glad to have found you in cyberspace and look forward to trying your recipes. Did you and Gordon Atkinson have to endure Dad’s CPE course together at Baylor?
      (little) Jodi Gross Heston 🙂

    9. Welcome to the blogosphere. I am a regular reader of RLP and thank him for tipping us off. I have a food blog and a God blog and I have trouble seperating them some times because “come to the table” is such a part of both things for me. Grace to you and peace. May your congregation work out its issues, soon.

    10. Jodi!

      Great to hear from you. Gordon was a few years behind me in CPE, but he and Ginger were there together. Great to hear from you.


      Food and faith somehow go together, I think.


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