hymn in search of a tune


    Let God Be Named

    Let God be named by our farthest reach,
    Not by our fears, or the rules we preach,
    By what unites, not what tears a breach,
    Let God by named by love.

    Let God be named by our deepest dream,
    Our hearts’ desire, our brightest beam,
    Pushing past doubts that around us teem,
    Let God be named by love.

    Let God be named by a faith that’s strong,
    Faith that will stand in the face of wrong,
    Faith bound for home though the road is long,
    Let God be named by love.

    So call the Name who has giv’n us light,
    Who leads us on through the darkest night,
    Who pours out grace and who gives us sight,
    Our God, whose name is Love.



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