dinner music


    I was reading Donald Miller’s blogPart 2 of a great duo of posts on “Living a Memorable Life,” this one on making memorable scenes – and I was particularly struck by his discussion of the power of a detail: change a the power of a scene by changing the setting. Sometimes a seemingly small detail can alter the whole experience.

    Ginger and I have owned three homes, and in each one the kitchen has played a central role. Well, let me rephrase that. In our two homes in Massachusetts, the kitchen was the central room to our story in many ways. Because of my work schedule in Durham, dinnertime has not been what we are accustomed to. Actually, for the most part, dinnertime has not been, and we both miss it severely and are determined it will not always be so. We like each other too much to not share our meals, and we like the home it creates and the people that gather around our table. But, because of life as it is right now, the kitchen in our home has not found its place, if you will, in our story. And then Ginger and her mother changed one detail: they gave me an under the cabinet CD player/radio for the room. Both our kitchens before had music, and I have missed it.

    The unit was sold out over Christmas and was delivered today. Needless to say, I installed it today and then went scrounging through my CDs for some music to cook and eat by, since Duke has not resumed classes and I had the night off. I got to cook dinner for the two of us – and to sing along as I did. There’s hope for this little kitchen all because of one detail: we are going to create some memorable scenes here as well, I can feel it.

    Tonight, I offer a music sampler of some of the soundtrack of our evening, hoping they help to tune your heart towards memory making.

    First, Jackson Browne singing “These Days.”

    Mary Chapin-Carpenter: “Why Walk When You Can Fly”

    I love this guy’s voice: Ray Montagne’s “Trouble”

    A dip back into the Eighties: Lone Justice singing “Shelter”

    I’ll let Jackson close things out: “For a Dancer”

    On this day of the Feast of Epiphany, I’ll close with a quote from Twelfth Night (which was last night): “If music be the food of love, play on.”




    1. Love Jackson Browne and appreciate him more with each passing year… had the opportunity to see him in a one man show a few months ago. He played for three hours… greatness! Have always tried to expose my kids (ages 30, 28 and 19) to the great artist of the greatest era of music… so this year gave each of them the J Browne Greatest Hits double CD… I can listen to that anytime for a long time!

      Milton, I also always appreciate your words and insights!

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