cleaning off my desk


    I guess tonight might be the blogging equivalent of clearing off my desk.

    I have not written as regularly as I would like over the last couple of months for a variety of reasons, this week however, it was not for lack of ideas. Before the time gets away, I want to comment on a couple of things and then make a request.

    First, John Hughes died this week. He was the director of Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, Uncle Buck, Wierd Science, Sixteen Candles, and The Breakfast Club, to name a few. As a youth minister in the 80’s, I leaned into his movies to help me understand the kids in my youth group. And, for that matter, to learn a bit about myself as well. He was not the greatest director ever, yet he made movies that mattered to me and that I still watch and quote extensively.

    And I would still love to know the punch line to the joke Judd Nelson was telling when he fell through the roof.

    Here is a tribute montage someone else put together that is worth passing along.

    Second, and leading into third, we went to see Julie and Julia last night, which is a story about blogging as much as it is about cooking and finding out what matters most.

    One of the things I found in the movie was a push to figure out why I am writing these days. What I mean by that is I know why I write (because I am a writer), and I want to do more with this blog than ramble this way and that. So, the “third” in this litany is a request. I am thinking about taking on some themes — a week, or perhaps longer for each — and writing in a particular vein for that time to see what sort of shape my writing might take beyond my fairly regular posts, and to see what I can learn and how I can grow. Though I know the days of regular commenting on blogs has passed, I am asking for suggestions of themes or ideas you think might be worth me tackling. And we will see where it goes.

    Thanks for reading.


    P. S. — Speaking of Julia Child, I couldn’t close without posting this favorite Saturday Night Live clip.


    1. Hi! My days of commenting are not yet over! Since I get your blog posts via e-mail, it is a multi-step process to actually get to your page and get the comment window (maybe that is something Blogspot could work on – a link in the e-mail straight to the comment page would be wonderfully convenient!). Anyway, here I am. You might be interested to know that the two video clips in today’s post have a cover window asking for the reader’s birthdate, since they are judged to be for mature audiences. I have never seen that before, and I would not have seen it if I hadn’t actually come to your blog page, since that feature gets lost when the post becomes an e-mail. Who knew?

      As to your actual question, I am not sure I have any ideas for particular themes, but I do think the idea of using some sort of outer structure is a good one. When one writes almost anything else there is a certain amount of imposed constraint, whether it is a letter to the editor, a novel, or a work of non-fiction. Even my knitting blogger friends have ideas imposed on certain days of the week – Eye Candy Friday, Saturday Sky (these are mostly based on photos); even Random Wednesday, allowing for a certain amount of catching up.

      I would miss it if you did not keep us informed about the general goings on, but also have to say that I love having you lead me through Lent with your series of posts. I am sure there is room for both sorts of things and I expect you will come up with some great ideas – something you writer types are also good at!

    2. Hi Milton,

      One theme you have touched on from time to time which has really spoken to me is brokenness… how we are all broken, and yet how our perceptions of our own brokenness alienate us, both from God and from each other, and how to live into that brokenness through grace. Maybe to approach healing and maybe not. Anyway, that’s a theme I would always love to read about.

      Peace to you.

    3. The kitchen incidents where differences are noted and worked through have always been of interest to me — those relationships which seemingly have nothing in common but where the human condition always seeps through to our consciousness. AND you are good at that.

    4. I always enjoy what you have to say, no matter what the subject. I appreciate the time you spend putting your thoughts into words. I have never met you, but feel like you are a good friend. Thanks for sharing with all of us.

    5. Well – I agree with previous comments in that I cannot imagine going through Lent now without your introspective and challenging words.

      I also always appreciate how you can connect the art of preparing food with the art of living.

      I appreciate the ways you have brought out Jesus’ humanity by bringing us different snapshots of his life.

      None of those together equal a theme, I suppose (except Lent). I’ve always appreciated whatever words you put down.

      Is there something, perhaps from childhood, that you might explore that could explain the formative things leading up to who you are today?

      More about how to have a healthy, loving, God-honoring marriage/partnership?

      Just ideas, from a longtime reader. I don’t care what you write – I’ll read it.


    6. Dear Milton

      Still love your blog and what you say. I enjoy all that you write. If I had to choose a theme for you, I would suggest home as you have touched on this from time to time and I have always been moved by what you have had to say. tThis coming from someone who has lived in the same town in England for all his life, to someone who has lived in lots of towns. I hope this of help.

      Best wishes
      Chris Howse

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