

    “Until I met you, I would have been unable to name the transformation that was taking place. Today, at my late age, I name it — the fusion of love.”
                    — John Berger, And Our Faces, My Heart, Brief as Photos


    I have spent the afternoon in Old Havana
    (the sandwich shop, that is)
    with my Cafe Americano and mantecaditos
    and the empty chair that is yours

    the Caribbean rhythms danced around
    the young couple sitting on the couch
    as I wrote and wished for you
    (not necessarily in that order)

    and thought about the shine of silver
    in your hair that matched the spark
    in your eyes as you kissed me
    this morning when you left

    Yes — silver (better than grey):
    sought after, valued, refined,
    transformed, even earned;
    the jewelry of well worn love.

    There is a new recipe.


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