advent journal: wishing for a sing-a-long


    I’ve been staring at the screen for a couple of hours now.

    I had a couple of ideas I was chasing, but my mind kept coming back to the sadness that has marked my day because it was one year ago today that I got the call that my dear friend, David Gentiles, had been injured in an accident in his home. He died three days later. I miss him terribly for a number of reasons, not the least of which is we both loved John Denver. In fact, a month or so before the accident we sang back and forth to each other on the phone one afternoon for no other reason than he was listening to John Denver records (yes, vinyl) when I called. So, tonight I offer one of our favorites — and a version of it that I know would bring a smile to his face.



    1. Milton ,
      Your blog has given me a considerable amount of peace this season. I hope sharing this music makes you as happy as it has made me. I am saying a small prayer for your friend and those who loved him, and I hope this season gives you, Ginger, and the pups everything you wish for.

      All my best,

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