advent journal: poem, too

    The spirit
           likes to dress up like this:
                ten fingers,
                     ten toes . . .
    (Mary Oliver, “Poem”)

    My father-in-law, Reuben Brasher, would have been eighty-one tomorrow; Wednesday marks eight weeks since he died.  I miss him.

    poem, too

    I think the Spirit
    liked to dress up like Reuben:
    every ounce of his being saying welcome,
    a full-body smile that beamed love;
    cobalt eyes as deep as the sky,
    and a heart that stayed unlocked
    no matter who entered.

    his mind disappeared,
    but his heart stayed the same –
    his heart, and his eyes
    the Spirit loved those eyes
    because they could see
    beyond our mountains of shame
    to the clear blue morning in us all.


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