advent journal: repeating myself


repeating myself

if someone says they are
going through the motions
we take it to mean the
motions are meaningless
acts of resignation things
we can do in our sleep
but I would suggest that

the story is not so simple
the motions are memories
or at least they hold them
to repeat what I have done
is a way to find myself
in these days when I feel
less than who I know I am

we went caroling like we
do on this advent second
sunday and I sang the songs
from memory by heart
as they say and I felt
my heart catch the rhythm
as I went through the

motion of making it matter
just like I did when I passed
the communion plate down
the aisle after we have all
gone hungry for so long
meaningful repetition
makes the mundane matter

the root of repeat means
to ask for again to strive for
going through the motions
I am repeating myself
striving to find the one I
know by heart but have lost
come home come home


Two things: The e-book version of The Color of Together is 99 cents at Amazon (and other ebooks sellers) for the month of December. Please check it out. Secondly, thanks for reading. My website is free and ad-free because of the support of my readers. If you would like to become a sustaining member, click here. You can also subscribe to my free weekly newsletter, mixing metaphors.


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