advent journal: coffee shop duet


coffee shop duet

what I saw first was
her solitude as she sat
on the bar stool matching
the expression of the
coffee shop’s blank wall
but when he entered
she turned and so did
the light around her
they greeted like good
friends talking as they
shuffled coats to make
room for themselves
he took the stool next
to her which left him
much taller than she
but she widened
the frame by moving
to a taller stool as
he settled in without
catching the detail
then he turned to her
and they were eye to eye
she smiled he smiled
and then she kissed him
with a spark and a giggle
what I saw then was a
dance meant not to
be a performance
but a witness of one
another in the middle
of a coffee shop on
a winter afternoon
when they thought
no one was watching



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