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advent journal: repeat the sounding joy


One of our favorite Christmas traditions is watching—no, rewatching—movies. We have several that we need to see at some point during the holidays to make the season feel complete: “It’s a Wonderful Life,” of course; “Christmas in Connecticut” with Barbara Stanwyck; “The Preacher’s Wife” with Denzel Washington and Whitney Houston; Bill Murray’s take on “A Christmas Carol,” which is called “Scrooged;” Will Ferrell in “Elf;” and “The Family Stone,” which has a cast full of great actors in a story that is both heartfelt and hilarious about what it means to be family.

After a chaotic scene where a number of the story lines come tumbling in on each other in the big kitchen of the family home, one of the sons—Ben (played by Luke Wilson)—leans back on his pillow with his arms behind his head and in a voice that carries a tone of wonder and amazement says, “Repeat the sounding joy.”

He says it with such beautiful force that always gives me pause—and he says it before the big mess that has the family pulling in different directions has been sorted out.

I, like pretty much all of us, have sung that line every Christmas of my life in “Joy to the World,” but I had never really thought about what it meant until I saw “The Family Stone” and heard Ben speak the words: repeat the sounding joy.

Part of what Isaac Watts was communicating in his hymn was that to be joyful was to join the chorus of creation that is already making a joyful noise.

joy to the earth, the savior reigns
let all their songs employ,
while fields and floods, rocks, hills and plains,
repeat the sounding joy

We are not singing a new song; we are repeating the rhythm of all that is swirling around us. We are repeating what we hear—if we are listening, which is what it takes to make good music: first we listen, then we sing.

Poet David Whyte writes,

Joy may be made by a practiced, hard-won achievement as much as by an unlooked for, passing act of grace arriving out of nowhere; joy is a measure of our relationship not only to life but to death and our living with the constant companionship of our immanent disappearance, joy is the act of giving ourselves away before we need to or are asked to, joy is practiced generosity.

And then he says,

To feel a full and untrammelled joy is to have become fully generous; to have allowed ourselves to be joyful is to have walked through the doorway of fear: a disappearance, a giving away, overheard in the laughter of friendship, the vulnerability of happiness itself and the vulnerability of joy’s imminent loss, felt suddenly as a strength, a solace and a source, the claiming of our place in the living conversation, the sheer privilege of being in the presence of the ocean, the sky, of two people dancing at sunset—and from nowhere, a sudden surge from the unknown tide now filling our lives—I was here and you were here—and together we made a world.

I was here and you were here—and so were the rocks and trees and mountains and flowers and animals—and together we made a world.

When Paul wrote to the Philippians, he made it clear that joy was a choice:

Rejoice in God always! Again I say, rejoice! Let your joy show in your treatment of all people. God is near. God is here.

Let your joy show in the way you treat people. Another translation reads, “Make it as clear as you can to all you meet that you’re on their side, working with them and not against them.”

Repeat the sounding joy.

Now I am going to repeat some things you already know, but they are worth saying again.

Joy is not a feeling; it’s a choice. It is a choice to engage, to listen, to pay attention. David Whyte is right when he says that sometimes it catches us by surprise, but we still choose to be open and receptive, and we have to choose to repeat what is sounding around us. And that is true of all the things represented by our Advent candles: hope, peace, joy, and love.

All of them are choices. Acts of will. Things we have to decide to do. So are cynicism, conflict, self-centeredness, and apathy. Joy is not the only song being sung around us. If we choose, we can see the world as one where survival is what matters most, which means I have to get what’s mine because it’s everyone for themselves. Though we hear that song blasted at high volume all around us, it is not the song of creation. It is not the song we were made to sing. It is not the song carried by the magnificent moon that hung in the sky last night, or by the smiles we share with one another when we sit together in coffee hour.

To choose to repeat the sounding joy—or the sounding hope and peace and love—is not being naïve about the reality that life is painful. Being joyful does not mean to ignore our grief. To choose joy is to go beyond our fear, to dig deeper than our sorrows, and to trust that at the bottom of life the joy and hope and peace and love are still sounding.

It is also to choose to help others hear the song. As I said at the start, we are repeating what we hear all around us. When we see others—perhaps even those sitting on the pew with us—who can’t hear the song because it is being drowned out by other noise, we can choose to sit with them and sing until they can sing it too.

God is near. God is here. So are we. God is with us.

As Ginger likes to say, life is holy and life is quick. The days we have as part of the choir of creation don’t last long, but they are rich and crammed full of the presence of God—so say the rocks and the trees, the squirrels and the sunshine, the full moon and our broken hearts.

God is near. God is here. God is with us. Repeat the sounding joy. Amen.


advent journal: coffee shop duet


coffee shop duet

what I saw first was
her solitude as she sat
on the bar stool matching
the expression of the
coffee shop’s blank wall
but when he entered
she turned and so did
the light around her
they greeted like good
friends talking as they
shuffled coats to make
room for themselves
he took the stool next
to her which left him
much taller than she
but she widened
the frame by moving
to a taller stool as
he settled in without
catching the detail
then he turned to her
and they were eye to eye
she smiled he smiled
and then she kissed him
with a spark and a giggle
what I saw then was a
dance meant not to
be a performance
but a witness of one
another in the middle
of a coffee shop on
a winter afternoon
when they thought
no one was watching



advent journal: I could hear the rain


I could hear rain

in mid-December
days die incrementally
losing light almost
from the crack of dawn
suffocate them with
a blanket of clouds
and the only light
that lives is artificial
still light is not life
or so I was reminded
when I realized
I could hear the rain
not just the storm
but the tap dance
of drops on the patio
that had been silent
for so many showers
however dark the day
I could hear the rain


advent journal: interstices



the space between trees
the crack in the mortar
the time between floors

if we took away the spaces
between us among us
the universe would
collapse into a fist

the rest between notes
the breath before words
the pause to ponder

intervening emptinesses
waiting to be noticed
to be seen as something
other than nothing

the gap in the fence
the break in the clouds
the width of a room

what we see as vacant
is what connects us all
the substance of things
thrives in our in-betweens


advent journal: ritual in search of significance


ritual in search of significance

the last thing I do before
I go to bed is to disconnect
my implant and hearing aid
and enter into quietness

it is necessary action
because both my batteries
and my body need to recharge
so I settle into silence

each device has a cradle
where it rests for the night
the batteries nestled as well
none of us hearing a thing

as my motions become more
deliberate and intentional
I find myself looking for
words to mark the moment

as I break open the casing
press the battery into place
and close the containers that
will hold things for the night

most of them can go unspoken
since I am not able to hear
better to trust than to speak
and let the silence do its work


advent journal: themeless


The woman in my poem from a couple of nights ago made it into my sermon today. She has still been on my mind.


Sometimes when I look at the lectionary passages I wonder about the committee that put it together. I learned this week that the Common Lectionary for Protestant churches only came about in 1983 and was revised in 1992. I didn’t realize it was so new. Part of the idea behind it is that the scriptures for each week are somewhat thematic, which is difficult, whether we are talking about the Bible or about life because neither fits easily into thematic systems.

We are in the third year of the three-year cycle and, at least for Advent, the chosen passages are heavy on foreboding and warning about what is coming, when it comes to the applied theme, as though the point is what’s coming and not where we are right now. But, regardless of what’s coming, we don’t get to be anywhere but where we are right now—here in the middle of everything, without a clarifying theme.

As most of you know, I went to the hospital on Thursday for my ablation.

They called me on Wednesday and told me to be there at 8:30 am, so Ginger and I did as they asked. It did not take long to get checked in and then they took me to the pre-op ward where they said it would be about forty-five minutes to an hour. They came back three more times and said the same thing until I finally went into surgery around 1 pm.

I was frustrated and tired, but I also knew I needed to get my heart back in rhythm, so I waited.

Some time after we arrived, a woman was put in a room (well, a small space with a separating curtain) across from us. I didn’t even know she was there until she became vocal about her frustration and said, loudly, “I want to leave.” Everyone in the ward was there because of some heart issue that needed correcting. But whatever concern she had that had brought her in was overwhelmed by her fear and anger. She was determined to leave.

A doctor came to talk to her but did more talking than listening, maybe because she was startled by the woman’s resolve, or frustrated because she couldn’t fix the situation. I don’t know. But it became a power struggle. When the woman persisted, we could hear the doctor say, “You’re being rude,” which didn’t help things.

Then a nurse came and listened first and then told the woman what she needed to do to leave the ward, which she did. Both Ginger and I were saddened by what happened because the woman looked so despairing as she left. The whole scene was sad.

She has stayed on my mind as I worked on this sermon and thought about our lighting the Peace Candle this week because she was not at peace with herself or with her circumstances. I’ve been trying to figure out how to preach a sermon that would mean something to her—and, hopefully to us as well.

As I said earlier, life, in the moments we are living it, doesn’t necessarily fit nicely into a theme, whatever the theme is. We tell stories that make sense of it when we can look back and see connections that weren’t so apparent in the moment. We look back at the stories surrounding Jesus’ birth and retell them to focus our hearts, but it I imagine Mary or Joseph or some of the others must have thought, “I want to leave” as heavenly messengers appeared and their worlds crashed in around them.

They didn’t have an Advent wreath to tell them what week it was and which candle to light next.

Neither did Paul or the people in Philippi, which was a young fledgling congregation. All of the churches who received the letters in our Bible were first generation congregations. They didn’t know what church was. They didn’t have bylaws to guide them or minutes to read. They were people responding to God’s love and trying to figure out life together.

As confident as Paul sounded when he wrote, he was in and out of prison because of his actions and was also learning as he went. In almost every letter he sent, he began with a statement of gratitude similar to the one we read this morning: “I thank my God when I remember you, for you fill my life with joy.” And then he said, “This is my prayer: that your love might become even more and more rich with knowledge and all kinds of insight.”

His prayer reminds us that love is an act of will—something we do on purpose. And it is something we can practice. We can get better at it. We can grow in insight and tenacity.

One of the Advent figures every year is John the Baptist, whom the gospel writers say reminded people of the old school prophets who called people to straighten out crooked roads and make the rough places easy to travel through. After being on some rough roads myself lately, I hear those words as a call to love with insight and determination.

We do not have to go far to find folks who are hurting and who are not sure what is going to happen next. We just have to look around the room. And we need to risk asking questions of one another to find out what is going on, even as we need to risk asking for help even when we know no one can make all the pain go away. Perhaps the starting place is to first make sure we are vocal about our gratitude for one another and for the chance to be here together.

In this season, we are telling the story of God’s willingness to incarnate love so we would know we are not alone. As the angel said to Joseph, “Call him Emmanuel, which means God with us.” God is with us and we are with each other. Right here in the middle of it all. That gives me hope.

We light the candles and we sing the songs and we tell the stories not because they organize Advent into a cohesive system that answers all our questions and lets us know what’s coming. We do all of these things to remember God has chosen to be here in the middle with us, no matter what we are feeling or facing, no matter how badly we wish we could leave. God stays and invites us to do the same. Amen.


advent journal: breakfast potatoes


breakfast potatoes

in our favorite
breakfast joint
on the way home
from the hospital
for the first time
in a long time

I heard the sound
of one chef chopping
the rhythm of the knife
beating in my new ear
a sound my brain
knows by heart

when I caught his eye
I asked, “making soup?”
“chopping potatoes,”
came the answer
“we always need
breakfast potatoes”

it was almost noon
his preparation was
an act of fleeting hope
he will have to do
again tomorrow
after breakfast

hope can’t be
stored any more
than hash browns
the beat of blade
on cutting board is
what keeps us alive


advent journal: fear factor


fear factor

it was not long after
the third doctor came by
to tell me it would be

another hour until
I was taken back
to the operating room

that the woman
in the next cubicle
began to assert herself

“I want to leave”
a sentiment shared
on almost every stretcher

but she was serious
and her proclamation
upset the rhythm

of the cardiac ward
the anesthesiologist’s
attempt to subdue her

became a power struggle
as she chose control
over compassion

and stormed away
missing the fear in
the eyes glaring at her

the nurse who followed
said she would help
the woman get ready

and then led her out
past the rest of us
perhaps more fearful

of leaving than waiting
my time finally came
but not before the

doctor offered a litany
of possible complications
all rare he assured

and when I woke
in the recovery room
a few hours later

groggy and aching
I wondered how she
was recovering

and whether either
of us would get
much sleep


advent journal: ablation



the word rings in my ears
like a rite or a ritual
though I am not sure
exactly what role I play

it means “a carrying away”
in its oldest form though
medically it’s “a removal
of something harmful”

they will carry away
broken bits of my heart
to restore its rhythm
that sounds sacred

and I listen for sacred
holy means healthy
I’m an arhythmic pilgrim
hoping for healing

my doctor practices
this ritual most everyday
he repeats his rhthyms
of remove and restore

my role is to offer my
heart and trust him to
know what to remove
and what to let remain

none of this feels normal
I’m in over my heart
my badly beating heart
come all is now ready


advent journal: cartography


Since I had my cochlear implant surgery eight weeks ago, I have been writing a poem a day to help me reflect on what is happening to me and my hearing. This is today’s poem.


we forget
the word map
is short for
mappa mundi
map of the world

or perhaps
map of a world
since no cartographer
can cover it all

my audiologist
uses the word map
to describe
how she programs
my cochlear implant

the longitude
of volume
the latitude
of frequencies

she tested how
I am navigating
my new world
with sounds
and sentences

expanding the map
expanded my horizon
by a factor of ten
is what I heard

leaving me to dream
of places to hear
and songs to sing
of words on the tip
of the universe’s tongue
