lenten journal: a turn for the worse


We took a long walk this morning through downtown Durham working to prepare for our walk of part of the IMG_4187Camino de Santiago coming up this summer. While we walked, a bunch of folks ran a 25K to commemorate twenty-five years of Merge Records. We were walking to end up at the end of the race where the food trucks were. I stepped off the sidewalk to go around a couple walking in front of us, hit an uneven piece of pavement and rolled my ankle; nothing dramatic. I took one step and felt it go — and it’s ankle which has been sprained before. Tonight, my picture will have to be my thousand words; I’m wrapped up and ready to sleep.



  1. Oh no!! I feel your pain, brother! I can definitely help you with any ankle self care you might need. Just got cleared for driving again after 9 weeks without my ankle! I miss you. Let’s do lunch or breakfast or anything.

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