advent journal
advent journal: role call
role call
were I to place
myself in the story
I think I would choose
to be a shepherd
who did not have
to prepare a thing
they simply abided
watching sheep...
advent journal: put the heart in
The last Sunday in Advent is always a hard one for me because it’s hard to find something fresh to say, which is why...
advent journal: solstice sandwich
solstice sandwich
today was the thinnest
of daylight sandwiches
the shortest distance
between two darknesses
last night it began to snow
but it was another thinness
icing across the landscape
an inconsequential...
lenten journal
lenten journal: friday night lights
friday night lights
at the funeral home
on a friday evening
one of the speakers
quoted Mary Oliver
“four small stones
hugging each other”
an image of love
in a roomful of...
lenten journal: affirmation season
affirmation season
the best part of
deacons’ meeting
on the night
after the Oscars
was when one said,
“how long has
it been since
we told the staff
they were doing
a good job?’
after a...
lenten journal: before & after
I know I was not the only preacher who mentioned that we are close to the four year anniversary of the beginning of the...
This week sermon looked at two texts, one from Luke and one from Colossians. Alongside of the reality that we don’t know much about...
advent journal: put the heart in
The last Sunday in Advent is always a hard one for me because it’s hard to find something fresh to say, which is why...
advent journal: coffee shop duet
coffee shop duet
what I saw first was
her solitude as she sat
on the bar stool matching
the expression of the
coffee shop’s blank wall
but when he entered