daily digest


daily digest

these are the stay close
to home dig in the dirt
string up the lights
I planned to string
years ago days

the work from home
walk the dogs again
wear a mask to the store
go too long without
a hug days

the go to bed tired
try to remember what
day of the week it is
and wonder what is
coming next days

these are the celebrate
our anniversary but
cancel maine and eat
mexican food in the
parking lot days

the all that I hoped for
never saw it coming
wish there were another
way to keep our promises
to each other days

the miss everybody
get to know heartache
so grateful to be here
I’m with you I’m with
you I’m with you days



  1. Peace to you Milton. It is always good to finally have time to hang the lights. A smile and virtual hug headed your way.

  2. The lights look great. Milton’s Ginger taste WOW! (However, some of us don’t know from hockey pucks.) The crazy sriracha in cookie recipe is next up! AND!! my local, small HEB has the caramel bits. It’s a good day.

  3. Stop. Breathe. Be. Oh life, oh truth. Oh Life! Oh Truth! Start. Breathe. Be. Thank you Most High for cracks in the sidewalk which catch the toe, the stumble.

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