advent journal: thursday



it rained enough last night
to let us waken to a
fresh-scrubbed morning
a diamond of a day
offering me the chance
to cook on a Thursday
for the first time since
I left our porch full of
friends who gathered weekly

I was cooking for a group
at church—Ginger invited
all those over seventy
to tea in the parish hall
I cooked and baked in my
new kitchen, made two trips
to the grocery for items
I didn’t have and dropped crumbs
hoping to find my way home

the night has now crept in
the day slipped away without
losing its sparkle, passing its
glow to the candles in the
windows, and I am cleaning
up the kitchen and baking
the last of the cookies to
take to work tomorrow . . .
another tradition I have
carried with me—not to
repeat or recreate, but
to connect all that matters



  1. It must have felt so comforting to slip into the cooking mode again. When you take an enforced break from something you love, you really learn which are the “little things” that make life grand. Thank you for reminding me.

  2. Christmas is “connection” isn’t it? – on the Grandest of scales. Thank you Milton for your thoughts and your giving to our precious seniors.

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