


I’m working on a sermon
about the saddled sages
who were sane enough
to follow stars and
wise enough to ignore
the king’s directions and
find another way home

I used to see a desert sky
as their background
but recent years have
given me the view of
rioters climbing Herod’s
walls as the wise ones
slipped out the back

the smell of violence
didn’t match their gifts
so they trusted hope
rather than promises of
an angry frightened king
set their eyes on star shine
beyond the smoke and hate

I can feel our country
bracing for the anniversary
without another way
home in sight just yet
wise ones feel far and few
and hope is a long journey
made of single steps

whatever happens hope
will outlive the king
we have to keep telling
each other as we face
the journey ahead
the stars are with us
whatever comes



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