advent journal: live and learn


live and learn

“the only way to learn is to live”

the words came from
a fictional librarian
who lives in a story
about consequences
an old word that means
what comes next after
whatever we said
or did or didn’t do
which we can’t see
until we live through it
and that makes me
want to flip the thing

the only way to live is to learn

to learn means to be
cultivated and to live
is to continue or remain
the way to continue
is to be cultivated
to fill the furrows of
our brows with what
has come next as we
plow our way through
one thing after another
so our days add up to a
story worth telling

living and learning
are chicken and egg
whether we’re talking
sequence or consequence
we must continue
to be cultivated and
remain attentive to
whatever is coming
remember the end of
the world is long overdue
