away at camp


    Ginger and I are spending the week at the Southwest Baptist Youth Camp, which is a collection of liberal Baptist churches (that’s actually not an oxymoron in their case), and we are getting to meet lots of new faces and see some old and dear friends. I am leading the music and Ginger is doing drama and dance, or sacred movement as we like to call it. We are having a blast.



    1. my twins are there — just saw you in the photo Larry Bethune posted on FB and went, “is that Milton?” Hope you have had a good week and that the kids [or at least MY kids] didn’t make you crazy!

      Lisa Sprouse Cauble

    2. As an adult sponsor of these liberal Baptist youth, I was glad you and Ginger were there, sharing music, drama, and sacred movement to enhance worship. It certainly made my week both worthwhile and enjoyable.

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