advent journal: posada



    they called it, and translated
    “inn,” in Spanish, then, in robes
    and scarves and hoods they
    circled the sanctuary, stopping
    at each door, singing for their
    shelter, and being turned away
    until they got to the door
    at the altar; they sang again
    and one little bearded boy
    bent around the door and
    said, “Yes, you can stay here.”

    Yes is the harder answer for
    anyone who knocks, you know
    because they might stay, they might
    makes themselves at home and
    you have to keep saying it because
    we are all innkeepers even as we are
    Mary and Joseph, seeking shelter
    from one another; hoping one will
    be willing to open the door –
    even to a back room or a barn —
    that we might give birth to Love


    P. S. Thanks to our children for leading us in worship today.


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