word play


    This poem is in response to Random Acts of Poetry over at The High Calling.

    word play

    I love the way
    words yearn
    for one another:
    the way they
    join hands
    like children
    on the playground,
    the way they
    laugh at each other
    climb up the slide
    and then crash
    into the leaves;

    the way they
    spoon together
    like lovers
    in the night,
    holding tight
    in desperation,
    in hope, in love
    waking sometimes
    just enough
    to pull closer
    and then sleep
    until morning.



    1. Words as lovers. That’s an idea worth a poem!

      Thanks especially for encouraging me about this project via Facebook. Sometimes it can feel like a tangent to what we are doing at THC, but you gave me good reason to make another case for the importance of poetry as it relates to work.

    2. How creative! It had me believe more so the way words draw more words to surface and to then make more meaning as the play together, love each other, know each other… to be what they are to be… meaningful,true and spoken. Thank you!

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