sunday sonnet #20


    This morning, in preparation for our church’s participation in the Durham CROP Walk (feel free to make a donation here), we watched a short film from Church World Service about women in Kenya who spent eleven hours of everyday walking to find water until CWS was able to help them build a sand dam which both captured and cleaned water for their use. After the video, one of our church members who is a Kenyan immigrant told us of her life, which pretty much matched the movie. Despite the difficult circumstances she has known in her life, she has a deep and abiding trust in God and in other people that radiates from her. On this Transfiguration Sunday, she let me see the presence of God in a fresh way.

    sunday sonnet #19

    Today we told two summit stories:
    they climbed to meet God in the clouds.
    Common folk met uncommon glories
    that left them wondering and wowed.

    Both stories on the mountain peak –
    Ten Commandments, Transfiguration –
    tune our hearts to praise and seek
    more than just an explanation,

    and ask, “Where is God in all of this?”
    whether mountain tops or canyons,
    to look for light in the abyss,
    and live with faithful abandon.

    Would I could spend all my days
    found in wonder, love, and praise.


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