advent journal: coffee break


    it began as a ploy
    to get them to finish
    their vocabulary
    who could blame me
    on a high school
    friday afternoon

    “if you finish
    your assignment
    we’ll go to caribou” –
    they made quick
    work of exercises
    already past due

    and we walked
    across the parking
    lot to our lattes
    with the novels
    we carried as cover
    to fool the front desk

    we sat in a square
    sipping our way
    through the dregs
    of a long week
    taking in the aroma
    of fleeting freedom

    and I asked
    “what do you think
    of the book?”
    and we conversed
    like people who had
    gone out for coffee

    God put on skin
    and wore it to death
    to love and to listen
    as a human being
    I dropped my guard
    for thirty minutes

    left my question
    unloaded as I asked it
    and found the coffee
    and cookie samples
    communion enough
    to remember



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