coming to you cordless


Most Monday mornings, Ginger and I get to take our time eating breakfast and then I come up to my trusty old iMac to write. Two things are different today. Due to some staff changes at the Red Lion Inn, I’m working today so Robert can get his day off. He’s been so good about negociating my schedule that I’m happy to return the favor.

The second thing is I’m taking a step up in the computer world. Thanks to the Tax Free Weekend here in Massachusetts, I’m the proud owner of a new MacBook, which means the blog will become a bit more mobile. It also means, thanks to one of my neigbbors that I have a free wireless connection in my house. I’ll be “coming to you cordless.” (Extra points for anyone who can tell me what movie that comes from.)

I will also have more to say a bit later. For now, I’m off to the kitchen to cook for whoever wanders in on yet another absolutely beautiful New England summer day.

Peace, Milton


  1. Hi Milton-
    I came to your blog via Journey Through Grace and found myself reading for nearly an hour before I looked up! I thoroughly enjoy your writing and look foreward to future posts. Thank you for sharing and God bless you on your way.

    btw- your coleslaw will be on our table tonight!

  2. Not the MacBook Pro? I’ve got my eye on one of those, once the price drops a bit more… still using my trusty iBook (5 years and going strong).

  3. Lynne

    Welcome. I hope the slaw was well received.

    Jeff — it’s not a MacBook Pro but the cheaper slightly less formidable MacBook — all I need for what I do. And I love it.


  4. Hello Milton

    I think i have the very same MacBook! I love it, though it did take me a while to get used to it. In fact I have just got one of those ‘Dummies’ books from the library to go over things from scratch to see what I have missed.

    Do let me know how you get on with it.

    I have not tried the 60day free iWeb deal yet, are you going to give it a whirl? It includes blogging stuff.

    Have you had fun with Photo Booth?

    See you,

  5. Oh wow! I don’t recall being offered any ProCare……unless that is the extended Apple warranty.

    I have not set up the iChat yet. When you do let me know and we can chat and you can show me faviourite things you have learned!

    I look forward to it!

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