lenten journal: statement of faith


In our Adult Confirmation Class that has met during Lent, we talked about writing a statement of faith. We also discussed how inadequate the verb believe is as a translation of the Greek word for faith, which is a verb. Trust would be a better choice, as far as English goes. With that in mind, in the waning hours of this Good Friday . . .

I don’t believe in Jesus; I trust him.
I trust the darkness of today is not the last word.
I trust that the story doesn’t end with the Resurrection.
I trust God never quits looking for us.
I trust God finds some people in different ways than I was found.
I trust there are times when God speaks and I’m the one hearing nothing but the wind.
I trust Jesus is who he said he was.
I trust there is more to Jesus than what I see.
I trust my faith makes my life worth it, regardless of what comes next.
I trust it is more important to be loving than it is to be right.
I trust that God is still speaking.
I trust God is speaking to more than just me.
I trust God’s love is the final word, no matter what else is said.
I trust it will be a word we all can hear.



  1. I’m saying AMEN, Milton. I’m nodding and saying Amen. May I share this in a sermon for Easter? Thank you for these waning words of a Good Friday goodness.

  2. I wish we had a verb form of “faith” (analogous to “hope,” “love.” Your suggestion of “trust” is good, but for me “faith” also includes “hope,” “desire,” and for-now-imponderably more.

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